Saturday, October 30, 2021

With life as short as a half taken breath, don’t plant anything but love. —Rumi



When a person is dying, his voice goes into his mind; his mind into his breath; his breath into heat; the heat into the highest divinity. That which is the finest essence - the whole world has that as its soul. 
That is Reality. That is Atman. That art thou, Svetaketu.


—Chanodgya Upanishad 6.8.6

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As these flowing rivers that tend towards the ocean, on reaching the ocean disappear, their name and form are destroyed and it is called simply "the ocean" - even so of this spectator these sixteen parts that tend towards the Person [Purusha, the cosmic unity], on reaching the Person disappear, their name and form are destroyed, and it is called simply "the Person.


—Prasna Upanishad 6.5

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[A] perseveration is ... not a repetition. The constants of one law are in turn variables of a more general law, just as the hardest rocks become soft and fluid matter on the geological scale of millions of years.

—Gilles Deleuze
Difference and Repetition


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