Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Can we communicate with the ones who have passed away?



  1. Interesting... 2 weeks after my mother-in-law died, my husband and I were just sitting and resting in our living room, and suddenly the room filled with a presence of Love, and we both *knew* that it was his mother, although no words were said. The energy somehow had her "signature." But I've never been able to "call" on anyone that has passed and received any kind of tangible answer. 5 months after my mother passed, I went out to the garage and there was a Robin's feather just laying on top of some things. I asked my husband if he had put it there - he had not. So how did that get there... A mystery... But I had the *sense* that my mother had somehow placed it there... She had died the first day of Spring, and the Robin is the first bird of Spring... I have wondered sometimes if when one passes that maybe it is like the Buddhists believe - that there is a Bardo period. And maybe their "presence" can still be felt here, before they have completely transformed back into the Infinite again... But that's only my "belief"...

  2. thank you Catherine, i always enjoy your comments. i have moments of connection like that too - signature perfectly describes it :)
